Here's the outfits I promised.
Here's a little something about the ranks;
#1. Low Level Foot Soldier - The lowest of low in the Miley's Rangers. They take care of problems, give support to superiors, and even Low Level Guard Duty.
#2. Mid Level Foot Soldier - One step higher than the Low Level Foot Soldier, they also take care of problems and give support to superiors. They also have Mid Level Guard Duty.
#3. Upper Level Foot Soldier - One step above Mid Level Foot Soldier, they take care of problems too big for the Mid and Low Level Foot Soldiers. They also can take lower level members under their wing and teach them.
#4. Elite Foot Soldier - The best of the foot soldiers, they take on the toughest problems and mainly tasked with guarding Adolph, the Female Panda Mage (unnamed as of now), and the Unknown female Ninja Fox.
#5 . De Rango Inferior - Foot Soldiers who proven themselves are given this rank. Their job is mainly leading the foot soldiers on the battlefield.
#6. En El Mismo Centro - One rank above De Rango Inferior Soldiers, they mainly oversee the training of troops and even taking on anyone below their ranks as their personal tutor (the one they selected)
#7. La Clase Alta - The Second highest rank, they take on the highly difficult missions among the duties of the above two ranks. They protect all the lieutenants, except Miley, on important duties
#8. Exclusivo - The highest rank, only the very best soldiers are given this rank. They have one duty and one duty only, protect Miley at all cost. They mostly follow Miley around and guard her bedroom and office.
Bases by SparBases.
The pic was left in this form because the character in the armor varies in species and gender.
9 years, 9 months ago
27 Mar 2015 20:00 CET
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