A one time prototype that was constructed just in time for the Ronin Wars by Alshain Weapons, the Red Fox Zero is a reasonably fast 45 ton quadruped. With a top speed of 81kph and a jump range of 120 meters, it is quite an agile machine even by late Succession Wars standards, though it runs just a little hot. The thirteen heat sinks onboard are not quite enough to cope with the pair of large lasers on its back. The medium laser mounted right below the pilot's feet provides a little extra stopping power at short range, especially when the Red Fox Zero is running hot or is attempting to volley fire. It looks like its namesake at a full run, but the head would jut this way and that as the prototype's head gyroscope could not compensate for its gait. Because it could not be corrected, only one was ever produced. This design was picked up nearly 200 years later and converted into an OmniMech by (officially) Luthien Armor Works.
Mass: 45 Tons
Chassis: Fox Type I
Power Plant: Nissan 225 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 81 kph
Jump Jets: Whitworth Jetlift
Jump Capacity: 120 meters
Armor: Maxmillian 42
Armament: 2 RAMTech 1200 Large Lasers and 1 Victory 23R Medium Laser
Manufacturer: Alshain Weapons
Communications System: Garret T11-b
Targeting and Tracking System: Garret D2j
9 years, 10 months ago
23 Mar 2015 12:21 CET
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