yet another picture found while FedoraGuy were looking for his old pictures in my room, this was drawn my our mutual friend, and my best friend, Craig, while not really related to anything else in my gallery, I thought I'd put it up still, since it reminds me of him, for those of you who don't know, he left for JobCorp and won't be back for 6 years, so.. that's a thing
so yea, it's pretty much just fan art of Pewdiepie he drew a long time ago, we used to be pretty big on him we still kinda are, but not as much as we were, now we're more into the GameGrumps and Markiplier, but we still watch Pewds every now and then... and by we I of course mean I considering Craig can't exactly watch youtube videos in JobCorp.. but.. I'm sure if he could he would
it feels kinda weird putting human art on a furry website, I wasn't sure if I should at first but, then I remembered that Ive seen human pics other people on furry websites before, so, why not?