Hehe, not to be picky, but since you are Alliance in the comic, it would be Heroism :P Bloodlust is Horde and while they are both the same spell, they are called differently by each faction. So can tell you are a Hordie ^^
Hehe, not to be picky, but since you are Alliance in the comic, it would be Heroism :P Bloodlust is
I'm actually Alliance, just never played a Shaman at max level. Most all guides and popular venacular call that haste buff "Bloodlust" even if a mage is using Time Warp~
I'm actually Alliance, just never played a Shaman at max level. Most all guides and popular venacula
I addicted to being a hunter, they're the best pet class in the game. Before I came to WoW I was an avid player of City of Heroes/Villains and I fell in love with the Mastermind class ( think hunter but with up to 5 pets out at the same time and you can command each individually unlike say Stampede )
I addicted to being a hunter, they're the best pet class in the game. Before I came to WoW I was an
I don't think you needed that totem when playing shaman then again I haven't played wow for so long. I'm always was curious where they get those totems at and store them. Like some kind of totem factory or an invisible totem backpack.
I don't think you needed that totem when playing shaman then again I haven't played wow for so long.