"Viciously original and endlessly creative, this is the kind of album that reminds me why I talk such a big game about independent music." - Pepper Coyote, "Look Left"
"Husky in Denial shines like freshly polishes shoes. Now I'm having confliction; when I show Husky in Denial to a friend, do I tell them that ['It's too late' is] my favorite album, or do I tell them Kung Fu is? In that special way your music has once again touched my ears, your lyrics have touched my thoughts in a way I won't soon forget nor get sick of." - R.B.
"Weird and funky and cool." - Jim Madden, Sound Engineer
Husky In Denial's sophomore effort, "KUNG-Fu!" delivers a subversive kick to the teeth. From the heavy intro track "¿Que!" which flirts with metal and drum'n'bass in the same breath, to the 5/4 time hip hop rant, "Gee," Husky In Denial packs a sonic punch in a Faith No More-style free-for-all.