-^.^- not at all lol i love when people take the time to talk to me'z *hugs* & no i don't do commissions cause i can't post stuff when i want ^.^ but i do do a lot of gift art's for nice people'z lol
-^.^- not at all lol i love when people take the time to talk to me'z *hugs* & no i don't do commiss
awwww cause i loved how you drew this and i was going to ask you if you could do a commission for me of my pic that you liked in the akatsuki uniform and with itachi's mangekyou sharingan in both eyes and a fire background but oh well because i dont want to just ask you to gift me the art because then i would feel bad that i took up your time and you dont get anything in return but its ok thank you for answering my questions *hugs you* ^_^
awwww cause i loved how you drew this and i was going to ask you if you could do a commission for me
-^.^- you seem like a nice person so far so you never know hehehe i may just end up doing it & i just put up a journal what i do or don't do some thing's lol
-^.^- you seem like a nice person so far so you never know hehehe i may just end up doing it & i jus
hehe thank you for the complement and you seem very nice as well and i read your journal and like i said just believe in your self because i believe in you its a really great drawing ^.^
hehe thank you for the complement and you seem very nice as well and i read your journal and like i
Ehhhh?! Really? I think what you draw is rather nice. ^_^ I like the traditional look, I'm just terrible at it. I make a lot of mistakes using pencil so I erase about as much as I draw. u.u;; I guess I rely on ctrl z *undo* too much. xD Then again, maybe it's just harder for me cause of my eyes.
~~~ Quote by FrostbiteTiger: >^.^< *giggles* ~~~ Ehhhh?! Really? I think what you draw is rat