Character Sheet for D.J.Sonic the Cheetah
Hedgehog with Cheetah Hybrid
Character Description
A hedgehog in cheetah hybrid. He is age of 21. His height is 9.6, and his weight is a secret. With mix of his own running speed and Cheetah's, he can sur-pass the speed of light. He can jump up to 4 feet up the ground. Even if he didn't have his normal ears, he has to have them again. Normal blue is the color of the fur, and also a really light blue, black dots to determine he is a cheetah.
DJ is most serious at times of problems, but he is joyfully at sad and/or bad moments.
He likes to run at this form, and he eats a lot. He dislikes to be caged-in, as if in jail.
DJ was a free-like feline on a forest, dangerous though. While he was hunting, he found Silver the Hedgehog, almost to attack. But couldn't because DJ saw that Silver wasn't a hunter like of those who wants his precious fur. The two became friends and went together to the actual Möbius for search each one a way to help save Silver's time.
Silver the Hedgehog, Amy Rose, Rouge the Bat, Sonic the Tiger, Shadow the Jaguar, Knuckles the Cheet-Chidna (half Cheetah, half Echidna).
He comes from a deepest of a Forest called Green Feline.
As you could see, he is a hedgehog-Feline humanoid like. Blue and light blue fur with black dots as for Cheetah's fur. He has red eyes and black-scar like lines in boths eyes. He is a slender, yet muscular male feline. Long hair and a fluffy tail to play with.
He only wears a red, yet really tight t-shirt and dark-Blue leggings. He is barefoot, like he runs a lot, his shoes gets all wasted out.
He really doesn't wear any accessory. Except sometimes a silver dog-tag.