AGH! I can't fawn over this enough! it's absolutely beautiful! L looks so happy reading her favorite book to Doc! I can't get over how close to the details you got from those screen shots. The floor tiles, book cases, and grate all look perfect right down to the little details! I love this so much ^_^ You make the most perfect art of these two. Thank you!
AGH! I can't fawn over this enough! it's absolutely beautiful! L looks so happy reading her favorite
Once upon a time, there was a great disease that infected many people. The disease ravaged them. Nobody knew how to cure it. Many doctors studied it, but they couldn't figure out how the disease worked. Then, one day, another doctor on his own figured it out. He knew how to cure everyone. So he set out to cure everyone of the great pestilence.
The End
Once upon a time, there was a great disease that infected many people. The disease ravaged them. Nob
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl . Her mom threw acid on her face because she was jealous of her beauty. Skulldilocks! Skulldilocks! That's what the schoolchildren cried. And she was so upset, she threw acid on the schoolkids faces cause somebody from The Bible told her to do it. [Scream button] the children said, again and agian and again. And Skulldilocks was never found.