You suffered enough now, dear sister Lover shouldn't kill each other. Killing good ponies isn't what princess should do. Don't blame yourself for losing somepony you love again. I will take that blame for you. 'Cause killing good ponies is villain's job. My job....
++++ Happy Valentine day. Keep love before lose... ++++
sadness part is i knew this was going to happen but hope it was from old age not this all cause i seen the time line from Crazy future.... but it doesnt mean she cant live through it but more likely not :( ****** Still has spoilers so dont look if u dont want to see **************
hope she is reborn soon not in 100 years or whatever the time jump was.
sadness part is i knew this was going to happen but hope it was from old age not this all cause i se
I kind of knew this will happen Nightmare Moon is maybe the most enigmatic mare since her appearance in the show both times. Sometimes i see a half that is not whole without the other half great chapter on this comic now the aftermath *sighs* and what will happens next?
I kind of knew this will happen Nightmare Moon is maybe the most enigmatic mare since her appearance