Tom & Jerry is MGM. Looney Tunes, Merry Melodies & c. are all Warner Bros. Nowadays, Time/Warner owns all of it. WB, MGM, and Hanna-Barbera. Both catalog and studio. Research how old Ten Turner saved most-all of classic Hollywood's inventory from the incinerator back in the 1980s, to understand how we got to this point.
Tom & Jerry is MGM. Looney Tunes, Merry Melodies & c. are all Warner Bros. Nowadays, Time/Warner own
Ted Turner should own 1/2 of the sports services too such as NFL, NBA etc. but we all know how that turner out the minute he went 1 on 1 with Vince McMahon... he he
Ted Turner should own 1/2 of the sports services too such as NFL, NBA etc. but we all know how that
I suspect that Ted didn't really understand the wrasslin', but just saw it as something fun to throw some money at for a while. The old NWA show had been a stable of TBS's Saturday afternoon lineup through the 80s, when Jim Crockett ran the joint. So Ted just looked at it and said "Hell. How hard can *that* be?"
I suspect that Ted didn't really understand the wrasslin', but just saw it as something fun to throw
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