Here is my next 10th year artwork project of a past and present of one of my original characters.
This is Ken Adam, Doma's twin brother. There are certain similarities between the two except that Ken has brown eyes and a scar on his muzzle. Way back when I began writing my characters, I was always fond of twins growing up since I had some friends in school who were twins. Afterwards I began to write about what would happen if the twins were separated and Doma begins a journey of a lifetime to rescue his brother while struggling against all odds.
Artist Inspiration Tribute - Firewolf66 He has been such a great companion to me since I became a fur ten years ago. We hung out whenever we could and even tried to meet up at the same con if it were possible for both of us. One thing that drew us together was our love for Art and Games and we hit it off immediately. I am glad to have him as my bro in the fandom and I am sure we will continue to be close in the years to come. Thanks again very much bro.
9 years, 11 months ago
11 Feb 2015 05:16 CET
Initial: c3946a8cf46dbe6f65ae99a442f805ff
Full Size: dcee59435c0a9037cdf48c74dad4b38f
Large: 78cb89b25553074e64d2f50370329b79
Small: 725e3ab2b67859561265706dd678a616
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