Well, yeah screw it I wanted to draw my namesake in girly(ish) underwear and stripey things; The bottle of wine in his hand serves as a half arsed reason for him being so suggestive, but in reality he'd do it sobre.
I used to be of the mind that I was limiting myself by only drawing porn, so i stopped drawing porn entirely or anything suggestive; odd to think it's only now that I'm realising how I was really doing exactly the same thing! Still no desire to draw porn but least I'm not forcing myself not to anymore.
14 years ago
27 Feb 2011 17:57 CET
Initial: fc6f5aca6bd21bc6cd85b9fcffd62ac5
Full Size: 8f70ebaa612e79929f7fce8d42e8b254
Large: a8613dbb61b8a5bfd44858004872c349
Small: 01e811d284f0a7477267cd64aebee263
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