I've never liked people using Anons to be perfectly honest. It always seems like artist/writer shorthand for "too lazy to use or make a character", and the standard personality one assigns an Anon boils down to drooling horny dipshit (usually anyways). Apart from that, I just don't like how they look. The visual alone is a turn off for me, and I typically only like Anons in short comedic settings.
Filly Chrysalis I can really get behind though (giggity). Out of all characters used for faolcon she's my favorite. After her would have to be Celestia, but I've seen about three pictures throughout the Internet with filly Tia taking a good hard dicking. For that matter I don't see a lot with filly Chryssi either. Maybe I'm looking in all the wrong places? I find plenty with Luna... I think the reason these are my favorites is because the idea of taking the truly great, powerful, and intimidating and turning them into adorable, sexy, and relatively helpless fillies just strikes that primal power cord in my brain, despite the fact I prefer my faolcon willing. Probably why I want more filly Nightmare Moon.
I've never liked people using Anons to be perfectly honest. It always seems like artist/writer short