Id, noun, the one of the three divisions of the psyche in psychoanalytic theory that is completely unconscious and is the source of psychic energy derived from instinctual needs and drives.
This is about an old character of mine, a personification of Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytical theory. Id is a humanoid dragon, much like the general size, shape, and features of Ultimus. However, Id looks a lot more feral. An ominous aura is constantly emanating from him, striking the mind of others like a moment when a prey saw predator. Horns and claws of inky blackness are as jagged as his delusional mind. Fangs of pearly white are stained red by his sinful pleasures. Muscular features are clearly defined even through the thick, armored hide. There is an absence of spirit within those blood-stained eyes of his. Indeed, he is nothing but a corporeal shell driven only by instincts.
“Id,” after all, is Latin for “it.” He can’t be considered as a sentient being. He lives in a reactive state, defending and retaliating whenever the “need” arises but doesn’t know how or where to stop. All the time, his response to a scenario is excessive, laying waste to a vast area. It was simply an antagonism from Fate for one to wake up with him nearby. Does he know what he did? Does he feel guilt or pleasure when doing harms to others? No. He does not remember anything for memory belongs to another domain of the psyche, not his. He feels neither guilt nor pleasure because he can’t recall what just happened a second ago. No. He only feels an impulse and acts upon it. “Consequence” and “liability” do not exist in his vocabulary. Without these restraints, his primal powers are vastly exaggerated, from shattering the very earth to tearing the very heaven. Stopping him with force will only provoke him to retaliate with greater forces.
He is Id and he is coming a neighborhood near you.