“Sweeter than chocolate!”. Your most desired spherical and curved shaped chocolate confectionary, the dessert dragon whelp truffles!
-Heart truffles Romance and Sweetie
A sweet duet! This pair are perfect together in a chocolate heart swirl set that compliments each other. Desirable dark chocolate whelp “Romance” and white chocolate swirl whelp “Sweetie” together in a heart shape in perfect harmony! The best of friends (bff) or two loving companions, these little truffle whelps will melt your heart... if it's made of chocolate that is!
Sweet cherry cordial. A cute n' fruity with cherry and liquid fondant center! This little ones love is as bold as it's flavor and is not shy to whom it has it's eye on for a valentine suprise. The little lucious chocolate has a sweet sediment for candy heart confection affection.
Pumpkin spice praline. A little confection with a soft shy filling. It's hard chocolate shell makes it a tough one to express it's emotion towards one chocolate of interest. This sweetheart who has a candy heart message for you trys to muster up bravery and hope you “Be mine”.
The bon bon whelp. We don't quite understand if it's a truffle or some twisted monstrocity of a tabletop centerpiece with a different name, but it's still just as delicious as the others if not for it's sour attitude of certain holidays.
-Kissie (the chocolate drop)
A widely popular bite-sized treat, the chocolate drop whelp. Sometimes it likes to chew on its own wrapper despite trying to hide emotion. It secretly wants to be friends.