In the World of Whelpcraft, the 5 mighty Dragonflights have come to represent what are the best of the World of Warcraft, the players and the classes they enjoy in a “whelpy” way of their own. Across the various landscapes presided over by the Aspects of each Dragonflight, in their whelpy forms, the whelps of each Dragonflight put on their very best “class” costumes to act out the everyday fun and struggle players have while adventuring in the World of Warcraft.
Alexstrasza led her whelps in their struggle for harmony while glaring at the hostility from Malygos. The Lord of Magic himself seeks to control magic and everything else in this vast playground while fending off what he thought was a hostile takeover of his arcane heart from Alexstrasza. Ysera is always napping in her dream world but that just mean a determined Nozdormu gets the opportunity to use all the alarm clocks he has in store. Neltharion didn't like to play with others (or was it the other way around?) but he is perfectly happy and content with his new roll of sausage treats.