Now with 100% more jelly.
-Your favorite action packed jelly snack,is just in time for summer! Taking the world by one wiggle at a time are the Jelly whelps! These sugar induced, artificially flavored gelatin dragons come in many varieties of tongue caressing flavors and various shapes, but must be refrigerated until served!
-Multiple flavored whelp will pack a whole fruit punch in your mouth before you even know it! It's flavored with layers of Cherry, Orange banana, melon, and blueberry.
- Fruit filled strawberry jelly whelp is often on the move bouncing around. Strawberry at heart, this little sweet sensation is sure to grab your attention.
-Cream and lime jelly whelp favors whipped cream all around. It makes itself at home on soft cream clouds that it often will fall asleep in.
-Jelly cube whelp is full of attitude and spunk. Some say it's wild berry flavor is what drives it, others say it was driven by being mixed with a carbonated beverage instead of water. It's also a one show swift n' slippery sensation a the dinner table, this hot rod gets around to every dish faster than your spoon can travel! Watch out for this trailblazer, it likes to feed on chocolate pudding...
They will all be wiggling there way into a kitchen near you!
10 years, 2 months ago
13 Jan 2015 19:09 CET
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