So here is my latest macro pic I got from the incredible aggro_badger of my big border collie Adam taking a jump into the water. So what's the story behind this I hear you ask? Well it was just a quiet day with Danny and Max sleeping, near a small farm a few miles from the nearest city, and Adam, who is grown up this time, pacing up and down the fields with his head down and a look of boredom on his face. He did stop and knelled down to Danny and began rubbing his belly and pulling his tail and his underwear trying to get him up. "wake up now?" said Adam as he tried hard to wake up Danny and Max but was getting nowhere, only making Danny yawn and turning onto his side. Adam just sat and pouted for but then he heard the sound of birds flying past. Hearing this he stood up and followed the sound of the tiny birds heading towards the city. As Adam made his way into the city he stopped to hear the sounds of the city below him which changed immediately to screams with little furs running away. Seeing the sight of so many little furs below made Adam smile and giggle with his tail wagging from side to side. He walked slowly and gently through the city streets picking up some small things that he liked along the way with one of them being a billboard with a picture of a beach on it. Adam took a look at it then dropped it before making his way again. He made his way through the city and stopped to see something ahead of him that he couldn't resist and just loved. "WATER!" he shouted out with excitement pointing towards the water, which was in fact a large and deep river that runs through city. In his excitement he ran towards a small bridge crossing the river. On the bridge itself was some traffic going slowly that started to jump and shake softly and then heavier and heavier as Adam ran towards it. For those in on the bridge they managed to see the giant coming towards them in good time and were able to get off it time. Adam ran straight onto the bridge and stood in the middle of it where he began jumping up and down on it, making it start to break under the strain. After a minute of bouncing on the bridge he turned and jumped up off the bridge and into the water below with such tremendous force that it caused part of the bridge to break! A short while after Adam went into the city and playing in the water he turned and a heard a loud booming voice shout his name. He turned his head and could see something big in the distance, that was of course Danny who was walking into the city with a look of anger. He stepped into the river towards Adam and looked down at him, with his arms on his sides and a look of anger. "Adam!" said Danny "You are in big trouble. I told you before not to go off by yourself." "Sorry Danny..." said Adam looking up at Danny with an upset look. Danny took a quick look around to see that Adam hadn't done any damage or had hurt anyone. He looked down at Adam with his hand out and a happy look. "Come on big fella" Said Danny lifting Adam up "let's get you dried off and out of this city, okay?" "Okay...Danny" replied Adam with a little smile holding Danny's hand as the two giants went back through the city and out of harms way.
Only the TV version when it was on but never the full movie. Might see it soon when the time is right. Bit up and here everywhere at the moment with three commissions to pay for, driving lessons and I got work on top of all that.
Only the TV version when it was on but never the full movie. Might see it soon when the time is righ