Esp. since 12-21 (winter solstice) is the True New Year's. On that date, bonfires would be lit to call the sun back. It has drifted from 12-25 over the ages, tho. Why the functions of Yule and NewYear's were split bet 2 days, I dunno...
There is enough mess and damage (ruined wall HD(?) TV) to make anybody with a lick of sense NOT to hold NewYear's parties or go to one again. Take my advice. I even go to bed early because there's nothing in the idiots in TimesSquare !
Esp. since 12-21 (winter solstice) is the True New Year's. On that date, bonfires would be lit to ca
Wow, this is a pretty grim attitude. Why live a life of fun when you can get hurt? Naaaw. Let me cite Q: " If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid." :)
Wow, this is a pretty grim attitude. Why live a life of fun when you can get hurt? Naaaw. Let me cit
Oh nice. Reminds me of a party myself and some roommates had for the Halo: Reach beta. Blasting DOA - Something Better Change album and tearing the house apart after hours of gaming. Good times ^-^
Oh nice. Reminds me of a party myself and some roommates had for the Halo: Reach beta. Blasting DOA
I dunno. After we got bored with what seemed like hours of matches, we decided to celebrate the new installment to the series. Moshed the house into ruins. Had sword and roman candle duels inside. The people with the fireworks were supposed to be mages apparently. And a police visit. It was a madhouse x)
Hehe. What? I dunno. After we got bored with what seemed like hours of matches, we decided to celeb
The (female) police officer still snoozes in the bathtub in the bathroom, hugging a volleyball with a face painted to it. She left her hat on the couch, and I think on of the hookers sleeps on the kitchen table with her police jacket on. Happy New Year ^^
The (female) police officer still snoozes in the bathtub in the bathroom, hugging a volleyball with
Ineed - starting the day with an Aspirine and a Red Bull just to be able to hold the broom straight. Or he just sets the place on fire and moves somewhere else, this might be a reasonable alternative xD
Ineed - starting the day with an Aspirine and a Red Bull just to be able to hold the broom straight.