So I kinda forgot to post this here, ah well, doing it now...
It's audition day at CNC, and only the tentacled need apply. Apparently when Jim agreed to this he thought HE would be behind the camera instead of in front of it. From the looks of things though, Sarina is enjoying her new role as director. I doubt she'll be giving up that beret anytime soon... As for the man behind the curtain... it really is anyone's guess...
You might recognize the Blue and Red plant monster from ssninc Also, here: Don't worry, I asked permission to borrow him and will be sure to wash him off before returning.
This is my entry for the TJA contest and there's a people's choice award for this thing. So all you cool people can go vote on it here
You do have to register and once you do you can find the poll on the right hand side just under the fund raiser. I know registering isn't fun but its the only way they have to do it.
So vote for me or I'll eat your face.
If you're DETERMINED to vote for someone else... well, I'll just eat your face a little...