, AGAIN im a little late posting it, but hey, he really loved it and thats what counts~
i did this cuz he got me something, cant believe it took that to get it in my head to give him something though, gonna start trying to give him stuff on the special lovey holidays, and holidays in general~ X3
also i think i did pretty good on it, hehe, im proud how it turned out~
did i mention im using the 2015 sig early? xD just getting used to using it XD
thank youuu~ and its fine, you can sometime when you can! i think that i said i could have you for an IOU and ask you when you specified X3 to make it easier on you ish?
thank youuu~ and its fine, you can sometime when you can! i think that i said i could have you for a
i deluminized it to fit into the dark setting ,i do this usually for dark pics, its not as glaring as it would be usually, but i guess its still glaring ish
i deluminized it to fit into the dark setting ,i do this usually for dark pics, its not as glaring a