So I give you my piece for the celebration of FCN 2010 Many fursonas dressed up as 80s icons with horrible parody names to go with them :iconrogue: RogueZilla :iconhypr: Hyp-Duke :icontyzin: fashion statement :iconted_ursus: Alf :icondarealnakkers: Prince Naka Devon Canine Johnson Miami Dog :iconlil_chi_wolf: Chem :iconexpandranon: maxP craftyandy: MC Lemur :icondeoge: Dogbuster :iconspazghost: Falco :icontilt_longtail: is Devo :icongirtygrin: Tom Gir Barbed PI :iconslayertheLynx: Marty McLynx :icondogmacoria: Alien :iconrycher: Rycher Prime :iconixthepuppy: The Doctor :icondamaron: He-Wolf :icontigerwolfvix: Furkle :iconsyberfox: SyberFred :icongoldenwolf2879: MacGolden