Rex: This is what transpired when we brought Vex to visit it big brother Allen for the first time.
They literally stared and sniffed at each other for a good 10 minutes before Vex eventually licked Allen's nose.
Rex: To which Allen Replied with......Batting Vex in the nose with his paw.
And that's where Vex looked at us like who the hell is this guy o.o
Teen Rex: Then Allen Batted Vex in the side of the head and started laughing his little ass off Rex: Then Vex looked up at Allen and poked him in the eye, Allen started crying which made Vex start laughing his little ass off.....And that's how Vex and Allen first met XD
actually yes there are a few actually lol biggest reason some of them were already uploaded by Winter and i just kinda procrastinated on uploading them i guess lol
actually yes there are a few actually lol biggest reason some of them were already uploaded by Winte