's doing. It was actually an unexpected gift because he was just 'warming up' before working on a comission. I think I'm going to secretely put his paw in ice every night so he has to warm up every day!!
I really got not words to express how much I like this piece. I like everything about it! ^^ And for those wondering, yeah, that's a younger version of Salmy. I'd say 9 or 10-ish. I didn't have any pic of him in that stage! Gonna eat him up and it will be auto-vore! >_<
Hope you like! And if you still dunno the artist, now you do! Go to his page to adore him :D
I don't think you wanna ice his paw. He might wet the bed... Or get frostbite hand have his hand fall off. One of the two. I think all it'll take to see more cute sketches is just to keep being cute :p maybe try a puppy /kitty look every now and then? :p
I don't think you wanna ice his paw. He might wet the bed... Or get frostbite hand have his hand fal
DAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWW yeah my adorameter is of the scale lets see hmmm (looking at the adorameter) yep its going crazy "beep beep beep beep" hehe he is just so freakin adorable I could just hug him love that he's in his undies too
DAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWW yeah my adorameter is of the scale lets see hmmm (looking at the adorameter)