Chapter 8
Early the next morning, well before school, Kage dropped Kit with Terra and Samson at their home. The young fox did take a few minutes to warm up to the young tiger cub again, but eventually Kage was able to leave without her whining. When he got back to his home, Shara and his mother were just coming out the door to load up Veronica’s car for the journey to the Zoo. Kage parked his truck and swiftly took his mother’s keys.
“And just what will you be doing with those?” Veronica asked holding her hand out to take the keys back.
“Mom, if we expect to get to breakfast, and still be at the zoo before noon, I’m driving,” her son replied with a chuckle before climbing into the driver’s seat of his mother’s Honda.
“Melony, if I die of a heart attack on this trip, make sure the police know it was my son’s fault,” the brown furred wolf said over the roof of the car to Kage’s girlfriend.
“Tell Shara, I might be right next to you,” the grey furred husky replied with a giggle as she climbed into the front passenger seat.
The journey took about a half hour less than it normally would despite the fact Kage had stopped so they could get a big breakfast. They grabbed a couple maps before Shara bolted straight for the red wolf enclosure with Kage close on her heels to be sure she at least stayed within sight of an adult.
“Fifteen or Twenty years ago I could have kept up with those two,” Veronica laughed as she and Melony walked towards the enclosure at a more reasonable pace.
“I couldn’t keep up with Kage even if I had to save my life,” the golden eyed husky replied with a small giggle.
“Oh I’m pretty sure if you were in some kind of danger he wouldn’t hesitate to turn around and beat whatever’s causing it into dust,” the brown furred wolf said with a half somber tone.
“What makes you say that?”
“He’s done it before, one of the kids on a camping trip with him got cornered by a rabid raccoon a few years ago, the kid screamed and Kage had that raccoon by the tail dead before the kid ran out of air.”
“Wow, I didn’t know that.”
“He’s not one to tell stories, he likes being all mysterious and closed off to the world, of course he’d never admit to it.”
“Well according to the only ex of mine he’s met, that boyfriend of mine packs a mean right jab,” Melony said with a slight giggle, “But honestly I just can’t see him as the violent type, and I’ve heard stories straight from Jack that I’m still not sure if I believe them or not.”
“Well normally I’d agree, my son is a very calm mannered wolf, but if someone pushes the right buttons they’ll meet a side of him that everyone before them has regretted meeting,” Veronica said with a concerned tone before letting out a giggle that had Melony looking at her like she was crazy.
“Why laugh at something like that?”
“I’m just wondering if my ex-husband would ever want to meet that side of him again.”
“With or without the tranquilizers?”
“Hmmm, tough choice there, but I guess to make it a little more fair with them,” the brown furred wolf said with an evil look in her eye just before they caught sight of Kage and Shara staring into the red wolf enclosure.
“I know that look mother, if I’m going up against him I’m doing it wide awake,” Kage said without even turning to face his mother.
“How did you…oh right better ears than the lot of us,” Melony said with a chuckle as she looked into the pin, “I guess these guys haven’t been let out yet,” she added not seeing anything moving.
“Oh they’re there,” Kage said with a small smirk before looking to see if anyone was looking his way.
He let out three short quiet yips and looked around again not wanting to draw attention from a larger crowd. Three more yips left his throat and a small lean red furred feral wolf poked its head out from its hiding place shortly followed by three more heads.
“See, told you they were out,” the black wolf said with a smile seeing his sister’s eyes light up as they all came closer.
“Excuse me,” a voice came from behind them causing Kage to turn and face the park official, a really tall gorilla.
“Yes sir?” he asked sounding perhaps a little too innocent.
“There are rules against feeding the animals sir, teasing is worse,” the gorilla said with a cold tone.
“No food here sir, just us,” Kage said with a chuckle holding his hands out, “All I did was call them the same way their mother would have.”
Two more yips while he faced away from them and all three red wolves disappeared back into their enclosure’s hiding places. The gorilla looked passed the smaller black wolf and saw a couple tails vanishing into tree roots.
“They’re shy and they know a wolf’s yip,” Kage said with a shrug drawing the official’s attention back to him, “I won’t do it again sir.”
“Best not, don’t need a riot on my hands,” the gorilla replied before walking off.
They spent most of the day after that taking their time to go to all the different places in the zoo. They ate a quiet lunch in one of the many restaurants that were on the premises. As they headed for the exit at the end of a long day Kage was carrying his little sister who was nearly asleep until she spotted the gift shop and insisted on at least looking around. Shara ended up picking out three shirts and a couple of stuffed animals. Kage ended up getting a glass that had pictures of several wolves painted on it. Melony picked out a shirt and a hat she could wear next time she went camping with Kage.
“Have fun today runt?” Kage asked as they walked towards the car.
“Yeah, though you getting in trouble with the zoo lady for that lion cub liking you sure didn’t seem fair,” Shara said with a giggle.
“I can’t help being animal friendly, must be the shampoo I use or something,” her brother replied with a laugh of his own.
“More like they think you’ll feed them, word gets around you know, some of those King’s Mountain birds seemed pretty chatty to me,” Melony added making everyone laugh.
On the way home they stopped by the school and picked up Kit, much to the disappointment of Terra’s class. They also stopped by Mrs. Melik’s room to see if Shara had missed anything important that would need to be made up before going on back to Kage’s house where the young grey furred wolf and the feral fox kit fell asleep almost immediately curled together on the couch.
“I think I’d rather just call and order a pizza for dinner,” Kage said quietly as he slumped into one of his chairs.
“Yeah, I’m wiped out after all that,” Melony said as she flopped down into his lap despite the open chair across from them.
Veronica cleared her throat as she walked towards the couch, making her son’s girlfriend blush wildly, before she sat down on the couch where Shara slept. They sat in silence and Kage was just about to nod off when a knock at the door sounded loud enough to wake up Shara and Kit.
“Oh this better be good,” Kage groaned as he helped Melony back to her feet before heading to the door.
When he got to the door he caught a familiar scent from the other side accompanied by the heavy aroma of alcohol, and despite the warning racking his brain he opened the door anyway. The second the door was cracked away from the latch Kage was swept out of the way by Jack as he barreled through the door. The big grey wolf made for his daughter on the couch as if to snatch her up and clear out straight through the sliding glass doors at the back of the house.
“JACK!” Kage yelled catching his father’s attention fast enough to make the older wolf trip over the coffee table and fall through it.
Kage made his approach as all three of the women in the house made their way in the opposite direction. Jack managed to spring up and grab Melony by mistake causing her to scream, and making Kage’s heart freeze in his chest just as he feared it would.
“Let her go Jack, take me wolf to wolf,” Kage growled as he tried to force himself forward, “She’s got nothing to do with us.”
“She’s your Achilles heel, that makes her something,” the wolf slurred as he gripped the grey furred husky a little tighter.
“You just know I’d tear you limb from limb if you let her go, so name your terms,” the black wolf said, the growl still deep in his chest.
“KAGE, Don’t do anything for him, he’s drunk out of his mind,” Melony managed to get out before Jack smacked her away from him with a heavy back hand.
Kage instantly came unhinged and lunged hard for the other male. The impact was so hard that Jack went through the two panes of glass in the door before falling to the deck with Kage on top of him. The smaller black wolf stood looking for a fair fight to show his growth. Jack rolled and kicked Kage in the stomach allowing the younger wolf to grab his foot and twist it hard until if nearly faced the right way again.
Jack howled before rolling back to relieve the pain and swinging his other foot catching his son in the jaw with a heavy thud, but Kage didn’t even seem fazed by the blow. He smirked as he turned to face his father again letting his foot fall back to the deck.
Kage let out a long loud howl before standing, back straight as a board and head held high.
“Leave now, or I’ll go farther than you want to see me go, I’m not sedated this time, you stand no chance, I’m the alpha now,” Kage said with a low clear tone that made Jack’s ears fold against his head, “If you’re not gone in three minutes I’m calling the cops and you will be here when they arrive.”
The huge grey furred wolf managed to drag himself to his feet, keeping his gaze well away from Kage’s and his ears pinned to his head and tail tucked as he limped back into the house and out of the front door.
“You shouldn’t have let him go Kage,” Veronica spoke up after her ex-husband left in what looked to be a borrowed vehicle, “He’s drunk off his head, he gets into an accident and tells them he’d been here first they could blame you.”
“I’d love to see that, really I would,” her son replied with a cold deep tone that said he was still a little on edge, “All I have to say is he showed up that way and left of his own will.”
“Which technically lets Kage out of it,” Melony said with a shrug.
After everything calmed down Veronica and Shara sat down with Kage to really talk about Jack. The young grey furred wolf still held to the idea that if her mother and big brother didn’t want him around, she didn’t either, even more so after what had just happened. Melony spent this time on the phone with a store that would put a new sliding door into the gaping hole Kage had created with his father’s body and putting together trash bags to cover the broken door temporarily.
Kage allowed his little sister to stay the night so she could sleep easy knowing Jack wouldn’t get to her even if he did come back. Making the same offer to his mother didn’t go over so well so he simply asked that she be very careful. Later that night after Shara had gone to bed Melony and Kage sat in the living room.
“Why did you claim you were the alpha now?” the grey furred husky asked as they sat together on the couch, “I mean, I thought packs didn’t exist anymore.”
“They don’t in the sense that a feral pack does, but if you think of a man’s family as his pack, then they do,” Kage replied with a chuckle.
“Riiight, so why would you claim to be the alpha? I thought that if one physical confrontation led to the highest male member’s defeat, the one who beat him took the role.”
“Because in mine and Jack’s case, he wouldn’t accept the fact, but never openly challenged me until now. You noticed during that last camping trip that he never made a confrontational move when I pushed, or failed to follow the order I gave.”
“That was him taking a lower role?” the golden eyed husky asked with a curious glance.
“No that was him not taking a chance at an open challenge, but now he and all of you know who he answers to,” the black wolf replied with a confident smirk on his lips, “I think I’m going to enjoy this.”
“Just don’t take it too far,” Melony said getting up from her place, “I’ll see you tomorrow unless you want to join me,” she added with a small giggle.
Despite Kage’s hopes his tail started thumping on the couch cushions next to him making his girlfriend laugh a little as he got up off the couch wearing an embarrassed smile. He checked the plastic on the door to be sure it wouldn’t leak should it rain, before locking the house’s front door for the first time he could honestly remember.
Over the next few months Kit grew up and Kage began setting up little games to teach her to hunt her own food, Melony remained at his home sharing in the fun of teaching. Kit got to be a little too skittish around others for them to take her back to the school anymore so one of them was constantly at home when the school called.
The very next time that Kage went out for his trip back to the wild he took Kit along with him, he set her loose to go where she pleased for the month he was out. The black wolf found her sitting on the hood of his truck when he came out of the woods to leave, with a chuckle he just rubbed her head before opening the door for her to jump in while he put his stuff in the bed.
On the way home Kage stopped at a mall, though he hated the idea of being around so many people, and took Kit with him into a certain store, much to the owner’s displeasure since they both smelled a bit like pine needles and dirt at the time and that Kit was a feral animal. He picked out what he wanted using Kit’s taste in shiny objects before returning to the truck and going on to his home without informing his girlfriend or sister that Kit was still with him.
When they got back Kage saw his mom’s car in the driveway next to Melony’s and decided he really was glad to be home again. The black wolf grabbed his small bag from the bed of the truck before giving Kit the bag they’d gotten from the store they stopped at. The young vixen then jumped to the ground holding her head high enough so the bag didn’t get dragged on the ground. Kage opened the door and let the fox go first and dropped his bag next to the door. His mother and sister had yet to notice he had arrived and he told Melony with a quick finger over his lips not to say anything.
“Okay Kit you know what to do,” he whispered into her ear before she took off and jumped in Melony’s lap.
The happy squeal that came from Shara made him laugh just before he was nearly tackled in a hug. Veronica was a little more reserved in her approach though she was just as happy to see him.
“I’d greet you dear but Kit’s in my lap and refuses to move,” Melony said from across the room.
“She has a gift for you, maybe that’s why,” Kage replied with an amused tone.
Melony looked down and Kit let the small package fall from her mouth before she backed herself onto the arm of the chair. The grey furred husky pulled a small velvet box from the bag, not knowing what it might be she looked to Veronica and Shara who both were staring with looks of curiosity as well. Kage moved in front of her silently and sat on the new coffee table waiting for her to open it.
“Kit picked it out, even according to that skunk at the store she has better taste than I do,” he chuckled.
“Well yeah, but you’re a boy so I don’t expect much,” Melony replied before looking at the still closed box.
“Should also let you know I talked to your dad on the way out here,” the black wolf said calmly.
Melony looked at him funny for a second then opened the box to reveal a diamond engagement ring. Kage gently took the box from her hand and slipped off the table onto one knee.
“Melony, care to be mine for what’s left of our time?” the black furred wolf asked in that same calm tone.
“Umm, Kage…wrong words,” Shara said before their mother clamped a hand over the young wolf’s muzzle causing them both to chuckle.
“Well? Will you marry me?” Kage asked again with a smile.
“Absolutely,” Melony replied before sliding out of her chair and hugging him.
After having found the two things in the world that made him no longer want to go, Kage stopped going into the King’s Mountain woods alone for long periods, instead spending one month at maximum per year in the woods alone, generally spending that month a week at a time when he was drawn back to it. Melony got her art degree and started working at a museum as a curator. Kit became a sort of mascot for the school since she was constantly there with Kage. The black wolf himself eventually took a job at the school as an office assistant so he wouldn’t be bored all day after Melony got her job, though he did take the occasional day off just to enjoy the quiet for a bit.
Shara made her way through school easily, going on a few more camping trips with her big brother to King’s Mountain with classmates or just on vacation. She set her goal at a master’s degree in automotive engineering, her first college courses were taken at a mechanical school to her mother’s great disapproval since the students were very nearly all men. She found a boyfriend at the school, an athletic young cougar that nearly ran for the hills the first time he met Kage, but he survived the ordeal and managed to get pretty close to the family before asking Shara to marry him after they’d dated a couple of years. She’d also taken to calling Jack by his first name like her brother before her.
Veronica remarried to a fantastic European grey wolf that had nearly as much money as Kage did. Kage was a bit shocked when he got a call from the guy asking to meet him and his sister. Turned out he was simply wanting to ask their permission to marry their mother. He treated her with so much more respect than Jack ever had and seemed to love her more as well so Kage and Shara approved and added yet another new member to the family.
Ten years after Kage asked Melony to marry him they walked up to his sister and brother in-law’s home with their seven year old daughter Christen, a lovely little girl with dark blonde hair, grey fur from the tips of her fluffy little ears all the way down to her toes, and gold eyes. Kage noticed that both Shara and Kenneth’s cars were in the garage and that their mother’s newest car was also there when they’d pulled up.
“Do you want to knock sweetie?” Kage asked looking at his daughter.
The young girl nodded excitedly and knocked as hard as her little arm let her. Melony giggled a bit and rang the door bell after no one came to the door. After a moment a well aged grey and red furred wolf answered the door instead of Shara.
“GRANDPA!” Christen shouted excitedly before hugging the gentlemen around the leg.
“They’re a little busy in the kitchen, come on in,” the older wolf said with a wide smile as he took Christen’s hand.
“How are things with you and mom, Tom?” Kage asked once the door was closed behind him.
“Just great, we’re leaving next week for England for a little vacation time, the politics in the school system lately have been getting to her so I figured on getting her out of it,” the man replied with a light tone.
“Oh that sounds like fun, how long are you going to be there?” Melony asked sweetly looking to Veronica.
“About a week, I can’t trust that power hungry Vice Principal of mine to do something drastic without me there,” the brown furred wolf lady replied with a teasing tone while staring right at Kage.
“I can’t help that they picked me for the job, I didn’t want it, I’m not qualified for it, and I don’t honestly think I have the education for it,” the black wolf whined as he fell onto his sister’s couch.
“This from the guy who broke up a fight just by looking at the two kids involved,” Shara’s voice said from across the room, “Kit here?”
“Yeah she’s out there in your back yard somewhere,” Kage replied with a chuckle as he got up to hug his sister, “Where’s scardy cat?” he asked with a chuckle when he let her go.
“Oh would you stop teasing him, he’s a cougar in a house full of wolves,” Shara replied in a reprimanding tone.
“And one fox, can’t forget Kit,” Veronica added with the same teasing tone, “And Kage it’s your fault she married a feline, you let it happen.”
“For fear of death mother, for fear of horrible, slow, painful death,” Kage said with a sly grin that said he knew it wasn’t true.
“Hey, I’m a husky in case anyone forgot!” Melony protested with a pout.
“Nope, you’re a wolf, just look like a husky,” a tan furred cougar said with a chuckle as he stepped out of the kitchen with a steaming pot, “Come on, dinner’s ready.”
“My mother would take offense to that Kenneth,” Melony replied before kissing the younger cougar on the cheek and sitting down next to her daughter.
The whole family sat around the table in silence for a few minutes while everyone served themselves or helped serve someone else. Kit came through the small doggy door in the back door and jumped up on the only empty seat left.
“One thing she never will be is late for dinner,” Tom chuckled as he rubbed the fox’s head and putting some of the beef stew in a little dish that had been there.
“Well Kenneth was the one who insisted on the whole family being here, and she’s family,” Shara said with a giggle of her own before looking to Christen, “Christen honey, would you like it if you had a cousin to play with?”
Kage, Melony, Veronica and Tom had all instantly picked up the underlying message and were trying not to smile from ear to ear as they young girl tried to figure it out.
“I wouldn’t mind I guess, I could teach them stuff huh?” the grey furred young wolf husky asked having not figured it out.
“Of course you could honey, and you’ll get to meet them pretty soon,” Kenneth replied with a smile about two miles wide.
That of course flew over the young girl’s head but it hit dead on with everyone else. Congratulations and well wishes were top of the conversation for a few minutes before things settled back down and it finally dawned on Christen what had been going on making everyone laugh as she bounced out of her chair and hugged her aunt and uncle. As soon as Christen had finished her dinner she was out the back door with Kit.
“Anyone know what happened to that dead beat Jack?” Tom asked having heard the whole story from Veronica but never having met the other wolf.
“He drove off from my house ten years and a few months ago in a drunken stupor, few days later I got a call from a Ranger I know in South Carolina saying he picked up his gear and hauled tail out,” Kage replied calmly, “Beyond that nothing so far, I’ve kept that Ranger looking for any sign since I’d like to know if he bought it or not.”
“Let’s not talk about him right now, I don’t want Christen to know about him,” Shara said with a cold tone, “As far as any of the rest of us Jack’s already earned his place in the deepest hole on earth.”
“How’s that master’s coming then?” Kage asked breaking the tension easily.
“Pretty well, my class schedule for next semester is going to be nuts though,” Shara replied.
As it turned out Kenneth had given up his own dream of becoming a racing driver to allow Shara the stability to achieve hers despite the fact he was extremely fast in just about any car they gave him to test in. His side was that his dream was to drive the cars, not necessarily to race them as a career. They ate the remainder of their dinner in relative small talk or silence.
“So, this is what family is like?” Kage asked as he and Melony watched on as Kenneth swam with Christen in the backyard pool.
“I sure hope so,” the golden eyed husky replied leaning into her husband’s arm.