Skyward Sword is a good Zelda game but it got a lot of backlash because some people had trouble with the motion control and think the game is too linear. Almost everyone think that Fi is pretty annoying, she feels lifeless (well she's some kind of robot... but she is basically a tutorial NPC that's with you for most of the game), there is nothing that really make us like her, everytime she talks it's just to tell us where we have to go and percentage ("Master, there is 77.3% that this door should bring us to mistress Zelda"... that's only door to the dungeon Fi...)
Personally I never had trouble with the controls and the linearity serves the story, I liked the addition of a stamina bar and that Link can finally run, the crafting is a nice thing too and for some part of the game you have to choose your equipment (wooden shield will burn against fire ennemies, steel shield will not protect you against electric ennemies...).
If you want to know more about Skyward Sword you can look this video
Skyward Sword is a good Zelda game but it got a lot of backlash because some people had trouble with
Yeah, it does that a lot but I would say that Ocarina of Time also does that with Navi. Fi is basically Navi but with a dowsing / GPS to tell us where to go...
Still the game is pretty enjoyable and for me it's better than Twilight Princess that I already liked (once I played it a second time, first time I played it I didn't really liked it).
Yeah, it does that a lot but I would say that Ocarina of Time also does that with Navi. Fi is basica
I enjoyed Twilight Princess, finished it basically in one sitting, basically taking breaks for food, sleep, and bathroom over one of my high school winter breaks. xD
It was pretty easy, though, but fun.
I enjoyed Twilight Princess, finished it basically in one sitting, basically taking breaks for food,