just for fun I thought i might tack a few pages form my third book and see if i can do a comic strip around them. i dont think i'm going to go full graphic novel but maybe a chapter or two. this is the first few paragraphs of the book.
Chapter 1: Mother Corn
Mother Corn is a young Kobolt , Kobolts are best described as a humanoid race that is both small and timid mouse like in appearance, Corn is far from exceptional in that regard, she has long front teeth and silvery black white speckled fur long and slick as-well-as bright blue eyes so to do her seven children, only six of which traveled with her today, the seventh staid with the forest medicine mouse. Corn has traveled to the old acres in search of thee maiden called “Jessica the Weaver”. She remembers when she was a dumpling herself. Jessica the weaver was a loved and admired woman, but after an argument with the spiritual leader and to be lord of the clans she was labeled a witch and banished to the dark side of the isles. It was a sad day for the clans but Jessica had quiet dignity; she made no fuss as she left with nothing but a red clock hung form her back, a bronze chain round her neck and a walking stick in hand. The clans on the other hand were more than discontented. The loss of their Weaver resulted in much of tribe turning against the church and creating their own government. That was over ten seasons ago and Corn can only hope that time has been good for the Weaver for she desperately needs her wisdom. The forest is dark and dead at this end, the trees are white the land is gray, the trees flutter with black feathers. Deep red eyes come into sight from high in the treetops. Corn hastens her children’s steps.