Despite its overwhelming presence in erotic art, I’ve resisted drawing tentacle pr0n for a long time.
In most tentacle pr0n, they’re either coming “from the void,” (when the tentacle source is cropped out or ambiguous,) or the tentacles are part of faceless, emotionless masses.
Also, tentacles as dicks don’t quite work for me just yet because I feel like in order to penetrate something, it needs to be stiff like a hard dick– not all wiggly like a tentacle, yunno?
So with this sexy new guy, I’m hoping to deviate from the tentacle porn norm with standard tentacles, not dick tentacles, and that we’ll always see that they’re coming from him.
Also, I made his dick as thick as one of his tentacles, so the whole threatening feeling of the typical tentacle pr0n monster is there with EACH of his appendages.
Also, I love that there is space in my life to write whole paragraphs on the subject of tentacle pr0n.
X-Version is in the Archives on my site but maybe I'll put it on Patreon if there's interest...
10 years, 2 months ago
12 Nov 2014 02:23 CET
Initial: a39183e383983cb98fec95b174879dad
Full Size: 7114d01234a78a82242fb6830a396ff1
Large: 7114d01234a78a82242fb6830a396ff1
Small: 3197a4ed29b3263fc5be364bfc173209
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