"I couldn't eat another bite! Oh...Well...Maybe just ONE more...<3"
There are at least four whole otters hiding in this picture. Can you spot them? ;3 I'll give you a hint: They're somewhere wet and warm...and crowded.
Dessy loves otters! They are easily one of his very favouritest animals. He has an interesting way of showing it, too~ >3<
This one was finished extremely quickly. I commissioned it one day, and to my surprise, there it was complete and posted the very next day. That said, I couldn't be much happier with how it came out. Look how cute the chubby Dessy is~! ^.//.^ ...And check out that crazy hoofpaw! That's pretty awesome. I like it.
This is another gorgeous piece by radioactiveneon who draws nothing but super adorable art! I think this might be her first pic with vore or anything like that. She was actually one of the first artists to draw Dessy the way he looks now. She told me she really likes the way he looks--enough so that she drew those "bonus sketches" I included in this submission. X3 Dessy luvs sketches, so he was more than a little pleased about that. Not to mention seeing this all done and pretty really helped cheer me up after yesterday's catastrophe. x.x
The last file in this submission is by a different artist, if you hadn't guessed! Before I ever got around to posting this, I saw I had gotten a private message, and in that message was a link to what appeared to be a piece of fan art! ^^' Another extremely unexpected and pleasant surprise! that_kei_guy said he really wanted to draw me after seeing this image, and hoped that I didn't mind him taking the liberty to do so.
Hope you guys see something you like here! n.//.n <3
Yeah but you can help whether you publicly shame anyone else for the things they're into. This is supposed to be a pretty accepting culture, you know, sweetie... >w<
Yeah but you can help whether you publicly shame anyone else for the things they're into. This is su
So you think it's acceptable to harass a real person because he keeps posting pictures of fictional characters getting things done to them unwillingly? Seriously?
Get help, dude.
So you think it's acceptable to harass a real person because he keeps posting pictures of fictiona