Wow, when it comes to fight or flight I'm a runner. To be so willing to just punch, quite the extraordinary thing. Very funny picture. Glad I caught it. Sexy outfit, I'm sure it would have gone over well if....well you know.
I think I love the last panel the most. His little list, are they all from experience?, and the expressions are adorable.
Wow, when it comes to fight or flight I'm a runner. To be so willing to just punch, quite the extra
Thanks a ton. :3 And hey, the job here was for Bioxz to be the entertainment at this party... whether that comes in the form a a questionably sexy dance, or slapstick Fist-To-The-Face, then I guess things did go over well... sort of... kind of... :P
Yeah, the list is mostly experience, except for that Tom Cruise one. That one, you just sort of KNOW immediatly from watching interviews with the guy. xD
Thanks a ton. :3 And hey, the job here was for Bioxz to be the entertainment at this party... whethe