This one was for missing out last Sunday. Yes there will still be a squeebles this sunday too. X3 I'm just now getting the chance to post this.
I think it's pretty damn accurate. X3
Thanks to my patrons, I've been able to bring Squeebles back, and to say thank you, each month I hold a raffle for the possibility of a cameo! If you are interested in being a part of this or donating to keep this comic going please give this link a poke:
I have tons of giveaways and perks! Please give it a look! :D
The ending reminds me of that one time last fall when I was preparing for a conference’s talk (not anything furry-related, though), and ended up sleeping for barely two full hours a night. Well, that, and I was also a co-organizer of the event. A cup of good old green tea in the morning was pretty much a necessity; but it all gone surprisingly well in the end.
Other than that, I guess I’m just a plain lucky person: no one seems to make heads or tails of me. (Once proven to include conmen, too.) And neither can I.
The ending reminds me of that one time last fall when I was preparing for a conference’s talk (not a