Character Sheet for Israel the Hedgehog
Character Description
Es un erizo, descendiente de Shadow the Hedgehog, viene del futuro y vino para quedarse ;)
It is a hedgehog, Shadow the Hedgehog descendant, from the future and is here to stay ;)
Es bastante impulsivo a la hora de combatir contra un oponente poderoso, no se lo piensa 2 veces.
Es todo un caballero al hablar con la gente, pero se enoja con facilidad.
Y es algo pervertido depende de la situacion en que se presente, no hace falta explicar mucho la razon e///w///e
It's pretty impulsive when fighting against a powerful opponent, he does not think 2 times.
It's all a gentleman to talk to people, but easily angered.
And it's something perverted depends on the present situation in which not much need to explain the reason e///w///e
Le fascina leer, especialmente las novelas largas basadas en la Edad Media, sagas como Game of Thrones.
Entrena mucho, pero no tanto.
Le gusta todas las frutas cítricas, como pomelos, naranjas, mandarinas, etc
She loves to read, especially long novels based on the medieval sagas as Game of Thrones.
Train a lot, but not both.
You like all citrus fruits such as grapefruit, oranges, tangerines, etc
Lumi the Hedgehog: Sister
Hector the Hedgehog: Brother
Tiene la misma apariencia que la de Shadow the Hedgehog, ya que es su descendiente, claro.
Pero sus franjas son muy distintas y su peinado un poco mas descontrolado
It has the same appearance as that of Shadow the Hedgehog, as is his descendant, of course.
But the stripes are very different and their hair a little wild
Suele vestir una chaqueta, mas o menos parecida a la que lleva Eggman, pero de color negra.
Su bufanda es su elemento mas preciado, su ex pareja Chrystal se la hizo, Israel jamás se la quita ni deja que nadie lo haga.
Sus hay mucho que hablar de ellos.
She usually wears a jacket, more or less similar to that carried Eggman, but black color.
Your scarf is the most precious element, his ex-girlfriend Chrystal is made, Israel will never take it off or let anyone do it.
His shoes ... not much to talk about them.
Una espada que se le aparece por medio de sus poderes incendiarios, la cual tiene la cualidad de aumentar de tamaño y tambien cambiar de forma
A sword that appears to him through his incendiary powers, which has the quality to increase in size and also change shape