Just one of my characters - well, Anselmo loves Rosalyn being his greatest fan (even when Rosalyn got no more fans that fingers on his hands) and dreams about a love affair with her. Anselmo is from the exact Rosalyn subspecies, but you can think him as a Maine Coon cat.
This character got a different story than others. Originally he was an extra, but he was effected. His another feature is not possible to show in artwork: he's also known by his low voice. No, I'm not one of these, this come out of my sickly mind...
I don't know, but he's the ONLY character as far as I know with that pattern at both hands and feet (commercial characters that are this way, or uses gloves or shoes, never neither.)
The image is something screwed due to my inability with Mac OS Preview, used to write the texts at the images. Made with Paint Tool SAI.
(Note: This character sight were changed recently, and I think he's got much better. Coming soon here.)
10 years, 5 months ago
16 Oct 2014 20:36 CEST
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