Tickle Me Elmo is hilarious when you set them on fire... I wonder if Furby works the same.
On that note, Shit dude, you must be like a million years old to remember Furby! Now if you'll excuse me, I must leave to go feed my Tamogachi. (No, I don't seriously have a Tamogachi. I'm old, but I'm not pathetic...)
Tickle Me Elmo is hilarious when you set them on fire... I wonder if Furby works the same. On that
Welcome to the dust bin. Try not to step on the VCRs, they're converting shows over from Beta. Over in the corner you will find Retro Toy Lane, with classics such as Bristle Blocks, the original GI Joe, and Micro Machines. If you're looking for a toy, but can't find it, check the shelves in WalMart, where old franchises try one last-ditch effort at fame. Care Bears and My Little Pony will be back in no time...
In the west wing we house the Graveyard of Technology. I think the Colecovision is hashing it out with the Atari 2600 over who had the most pathetic controller for a console. If you put your ear to the ground, you might even hear the cries of Sega CD. Moving on, we have the Aisle of Lost Foods. This place is stocked with all the wonderful grub you can't buy anymore. Would you care to try a bowl of C-3P0's or TEAM cereal? And last stop for this night is the cavern of dead songs. Please don't slip on the Vanilla Ice.
Welcome to the dust bin. Try not to step on the VCRs, they're converting shows over from Beta. Ove
Normally if I'd heard (read) that, I'd tell you to see a doctor, but the mention of said cereal gives away the cause. Now if you pee a rainbow of colors, I'd get that checked out. That's usually not a good sign.
Unless you're a unicorn. For some reason, that's normal for them...
Normally if I'd heard (read) that, I'd tell you to see a doctor, but the mention of said cereal give
Well, yeah. It was in the job description so they'd better not complain about it. Otherwise we'll give Zebras their job, and Unicorns can pitch the Fruit Stripe gum.
Well, yeah. It was in the job description so they'd better not complain about it. Otherwise we'll