Well the Liger's come up with a new human related primate species. Weee! You know what that means. Codex entry on the species and lil story for the charactr himself. ^^
The Lakine are a hominoid species which split off from humanity roughly at the same time as chimps did. On average Lakine are a foot shorter than humans though there are exceptions at times. Their evolution has paralleled that of humanity's in some ways such as the loss of body hair. They differ in that while they are able to comfortably stand and walk erect they seem equally as comfortable in a quadrupedal stance as well using it when running if they are not holding something or when trying to be stealthy. It is believed their earlier ancestors developed in Africa and eventually spread north through europe and asia where the modern variant would arise. Lakine ancestors in Africa it is believed were pushed to the edge by human ancestors. Lakine are an isolationist species and up until fairly recently have been a complete unknown to humans. Most Lakine live as their ancestors have as hunter gatherers in densely forested regions. Human expansion has caused the Lakine to be pushed to the edge as they are forced to live in smaller and smaller areas at the edge of what is livable. It is believed chance encounters with Lakine are the source of human legends of werewolves as the Lakine can look very wolf like down on all fours and when wearing the typical furs. The Lakine were first exposed to the world by a chance encounter with humans on a camping trip. A Lakine child exploring made their way into the camp site, thinking it a wild animal ready to strike the campers quickly drew fire arms and killed the child. Other Lakine soon descended upon the scene which degenerated into blood and carnage. A lone survivor escaped with video evidence and the remains of a shot Lakine in the back of his truck. Since this incident proper contact has been established though relations have been tense. Lakine have split into two groups. The larger one as stated still lives as their ancestors in the Forest attempting to eek out a living in less and less hospitable land. The have taken to human civilization and are trying to make a go of it there typically refered to as City Lakine. The two groups have mistrust of both humans and each other. Forest Lakine believing the City ones have abandoned their culture and way of life. While the City Lakine believe the sometimes violent actions of the Forest Lakine is hurting their own chances at making a living among humans. City Lakine often face discrimination by humans who tend to see them as inferior. They are often paid less than humans and seen as a liability if they become violent though they are no more so on average than humans.
Joel yawned a bit as he laid out on the floor in the living room. Eyes drifting up to "Daddy" who had just changed him into a fresh diaper. He'd been allowed to stay up past his usual bed time to watch a movie and now had been told to head off to bed now so "Papa" could tuck him in. Joel had gathered up his Teddy and made his way down the hall. He was really very lucky. He was a Lakine orphaned in the city. No clue what had happened to his mother or father. To make things worse he'd been frequently ill in his infancy. Few humans would adopt such a child. Those that had options anyway. But his fathers were good men. Being a gay couple the adoption process was proving to be difficult for them. Agencies often times didn't like to consider them. But when the two came across Joel they knew they'd found their son. Because he was Lakine and had had poor health the wall of discrimination was practically non existent. Nobody cared if a Gay couple adopted a Lakine. Joel had had a happy life being raised by his fathers. He was in a warm loving home and had a much better chance in life than many Lakine might. Though the shadow of his early life followed him in his incontinence his health otherwise improved. He was now 8 years old and doing well in school despite a few bullies. Climbing into bed he cuddled his teddy bear close as Papa tucked him in and gave him a kiss on the forehead commenting on the cute temporary tattoo he'd gotten. It was a traditional Lakine tattoo though unlike the real thing this one would wash off in the morning though Joel kept asking for a real one his fathers just kept telling him when he was a few years older. Closing his eyes and Joel drifted off to sweet dreams of getting a real tattoo and impressing all his friends with it.
Well hope you guys liked the pic, Codex, and the lil story. ^^
10 years, 3 months ago
08 Oct 2014 00:51 CEST
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