Heheh! I'm happy you liked Lil' Bets in this. I really wanted a Halloween Icon for the full run of October, and Lil' Betty seemed like the right candidate~
Thanks! I seem to have done underlighting two for two with Lil' Betty. I like doing underlighting though. It's fun. =)
Heheh! I'm happy you liked Lil' Bets in this. I really wanted a Halloween Icon for the full run of O
Oh my god, this is so adorable! I agree with Nori, the underlighting only makes her look cuter, and the you can almost feel the heat coming off the jack-o-lantern :D.
Oh my god, this is so adorable! I agree with Nori, the underlighting only makes her look cuter, and
This is hands-down the most adorable thing I've seen all month. Betty looks far too happy for her own - or anyone else's - good. There's a delicious vibe of joyous, child-like wonder and excitement that resonates with any hard-core Halloweenie. X3
I seriously want to be Betty's Halloween Buddy and help her with her nefarious plans for spooky shenanigans. XD
This is hands-down the most adorable thing I've seen all month. Betty looks far too happy for her o
Hahaha~ I'm pretty sure Betty loves the full month of October more than the singular day event of her birthday. I'm happy I hit the cute button correctly! It was really fun drawing her enthused expression. =) Thanks!
Hahaha~ I'm pretty sure Betty loves the full month of October more than the singular day event of he
I've seen some cute pics of Betty before, but this really takes the cake. Or should I say pumpkin pie? In any event, I can just imagine Betty checking off every day of October until she gets to the big pumpkin sticker that just screams, "I LOVE HALLOWEEN!!!"
I've seen some cute pics of Betty before, but this really takes the cake. Or should I say pumpkin pi