Chapter 2 Memories
(Silver POV)
Part one
Oh, hello there. I am sure my daughter told you who I am, but there is more to my story then you think. Lets see how to start, hehe its been so long since I remembered my parents. How about I start with my birth. My parents had my older brother, the one you know as Toothless, before even considering having another cub. Heh my brother was so excited, they said, when they told him our amber eyed mother was pregnant. He fussed over her and just wouldn't stop asking "Is my new sibling here yet?" I think dad was a wreck during that time, mom just kept her cool. When mom reached the 8th month period however and something went wrong. She went into labor early and a egg slid out, it was misshaped and soft. Soon it hardened however and i should have hatched after a few weeks. My parents kept trying to urge me to hatch, sadly i was too weak to break the shell.
One night they took my egg to the cliffs to leave it there, they say after a time parents do this as a sign of giving up hope. Then while I was in my egg something wonderful happened, the full moons light broke the darkness in my mind and warmed my soul. My black scales and hazel eyes changed form within the egg. I managed to break the egg apart, instead of exploding, and took my first breath. The moon warmed me till I managed a cry. My parents heard and rushed back to the cliff, there i lay among the shell pieces shining in the moons light. A pure white Night Fury, my mother curled around me and cleaned me up. I opened my eyes and saw her face, my eyes were the most brilliant and beautiful blue any creature could have. She and my father nuzzle me lovingly as i mew and paw at their noses.
They brought me to the nest where my brother was, he was so excited yet bewildered by my color. He nudged me making me squeak, i then nommed on his tail making him and my parents laugh. Soon months went by, an elder spoke to my parents and said to them the reason i didn't explode from my egg was cause i was just so weak and small. I was the first albino runt ever to be born. Hearing that made my baba all the more protective and loving to me. Our cubhood was filled w fun, love, and games. Our parents cared for us so well. I was still a very young baby when the accident happened.
Baba and I were playing when the storm hit, we ran to mother and she got us on her back. Father wanted to get us to the Isle of Night before it got worse. Sadly we got caught, it thrashed us around and tugged at mothers wings. I was frightened, baba was doing his best to keep me on and used his wings to shelter me. Suddenly a gust of wind hit us and we both fell off. We fell into the dark ocean below, I swam as best I could, we saw each other but the waves drove us apart. I was screaming for my baba, my mom and dad.
The storm raged around me, it had been a few houses. I was weakening fast. My little legs struggle in the cold water as i try to keep my head up above the water. I was so scared, I didn't want to die. I wanted my mom and dad and baba. I kept calling out till my tiny voice box gave out some. I just kept trying to swim longer, i just couldn't die like that. I had to make it, so I can see my family again.
I was frightened, when suddenly something pushed me out of the water. I looked up and saw a dragon with a long long neck and a odd head. i whimpered but he licked my head and swam with me on his back. Soon the storm calmed and he kept swimming. Soon he roared and i looked up, there in the sky were my parents. I cried out with my tiny roars and the dove. Mother scooped me up and licked my face. father thanked the huge water dragon, I waved bye then we all went to the Isle of Night.
I was told they never found my brother, i was broken hearted and hardly ate. I soon began trying to do everything harder to get stronger. Every night I cried missing the warmth of my brother and his kind voice, his loving smile. Yea those days were the hardest for me. Sadly my sadness wasn't over yet, not by a long shot.