Well you've probably seen quite a lot of pics in my gallery that show Patch and Pongo as giants in underwear and who's to say that Lucky can't be a big kid for a change! With his little brother Patch being a "big" brother playing with Lucky as if he was a toy, carrying him around in his hands and his underwear Luck felt the urge to become big and as luck would have it he was able to find Pongo's shrinking machine and after seeing it working and how it works he pointed it out of the window, switched it on and went outside. Outside he saw a red dot on the ground and stood on it. Taking a deep breath he pressed a tiny clicker switch making the machine fire up and shoot an electromagnetic laser at him. Just like that Luck was now ten feet tall, then he was twenty feet tall seconds later and in less than a minute he was over 120ft tall! As great as this was for Lucky he forgotten something in the excitement of growing big. He forgot that he was in his underwear! Looking at himself quickly he realized he was a giant boy in his underwear! He shook his shoulders and walked on down the tiny street towards the city. In the city he stood proudly looking down with a relaxed look strolling around without a care in the world like Patch did. Whilst walking around he felt an itch, on his back. Unable to scratch it turned his back towards a tall building and without a moments though leaned back onto the building moving himself up and down in relief.
Now it might be great for Lucky being a giant but he's forgotten one or two things about being a giant. Like not using buildings as a giant back scratch. Still he might not be just as big as Patch was, just yet, but at least he is not causing any harm by pulling up billboards or neon lights, or running around with a small car! Or even taking giant things out of his underwear then throwing on the ground!
This is one of the earliest of pics I've done and up 'til now have not taken much notice of. It was only when I got a request from conlimic000 asking if I could do a macro pic of Lucky in this pose that I took on the request and began working on it. The original piece was done by :101dalfan and this is just a macro version of the same pic. The original can be seen here:https://101dalfan.deviantart.com/art/Lucky-Scratching-3... and as always the credit goes to her for allowing me to use these pics.
Now that the summer is over I am now going back to business with my artwork and stories and I can assure you that there is more to come including macro pics and stories of 101 dalmatian characters like Pongo, Patch Lucky etc and pics of my big guys.