im not seeing what you mean, the blog theme will have an image blurred as the background (with the post ontop of it) if refreshing it doesn't work this link should (its JUST the image)
im not seeing what you mean, the blog theme will have an image blurred as the background (with the p
Error Uh oh! Something went wrong. The server returned the following error message: ERROR: That submission has been deleted. Referrer: Destination URI: /submissionview.php?id=665036 If you're sure the problem is with our system, please send us a copy of this error message and tell us what you did to make it appear. Our contact details can be found in the footer below. Thank you!
Tumblr has hidden all adult content, so i'm currently looking for a new host site, so for the time being all images that link to the "Pyaokitty" Tumblr Account are not accessible unless you have an account and viewing it through the dashboard viewer (or mobile) When a host site for all these is found i'll update the descriptions and post a new journal about where
I made a Journal about this here ->