Any good fan of a hero would have replicas of their iconic weapon! And yo-yos with little comets on them are pretty easy to make. But those other Cap'n Comet fans would be so jealous to know Natalie got the powers to go with 'em!
Loving the faint trails coming off the yo-yos, the sparks off the blue one, and the lighting shines off of her hair beautifully. Speaking of her hair, it looks slightly... fuller from this angle? Not sure what it is about the background, but the pattern fits so well with the rest of the picture.
Loving the faint trails coming off the yo-yos, the sparks off the blue one, and the lighting shines
Whether she's practicing, showing off , or getting ready to brawl Nat sure does look intense here. Also, she's looking a bit shinier and glossier which goes well with the background.
Whether she's practicing, showing off , or getting ready to brawl Nat sure does look intense here. A
Love this pic of Nat~ I like the way you shaded the folds of her shirt ruffling as they lift up. Making sure the string looked wound is a nice touch! The shading of her thighs both on her shorts and exposed legs looks really solid. The shape of the hips are also well done. Spread legs aren't the easiest thing no matter what level you're on, much like breast shaping, it's tricky. But you got a good balance going in the crotch area while still including the right amount of peeking buns. Everything looks well in place there, so nicely done. =)
Love this pic of Nat~ I like the way you shaded the folds of her shirt ruffling as they lift up. Ma