For an actual ON TIME posting, I just made this gal up last week! She is a nice chocolate brown zorse (zebra-horse hybrid. Real thing, look it up) that liked how I made my adoptable ponies with no facial features to keep then cleaner looking, and asked for one of her own character! All of those stripes are hand cut with tiny scissors, and hand-pasted into just the right spot. It took FOR-EVER... but dang she looks snazzy now!
The hardest part about these badges that have tiny markings is being careful to not smudge the glue, because it will never EVER come off and just leaves a gross dirty mark. So there is a lot of hand washing over and over and over, making sure my fingers are not caked with graphite and glue, OR wet from washing.
10 years, 7 months ago
24 Aug 2014 06:27 CEST
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