On the darkest point atop specter hill lay a ruined monster, the destroyer of the mill one day a boy went and found the monster alone visible by moonlight, the beast fully shown " Hello boy, may I call you a name? " He said nothing " Ah, they are always the same. " so the monster sat and shivered in the grass and the boy kept watching, letting the hours pass " What are you waiting for? " the boy asked past four and the beast reflected " I do not know. I have never been sure. " " If you want you can sit with me. " it said with a pat and the boy sat at a distance " I expected that. " As the sun began to raise the boy began to leave it be " Before you go, perhaps there is something you can promise me? " " Come back again, No one comes anymore these days. " " Maybe I will, if the warmth find's sun rays. " " You're rather kind for a monster, if that is fair game. " " That's because I'm not a monster. I'm alone all the same. "