Yeah, he is dressed and I'm sorry for this. I just want to have a little diversity from time to time...
Name: Corvus Santemill
Race: Raven Avian
Age: 21
Sex: male
Likes: Flying, video games, girls, ADVENTUUUUUUUURES (...sorry, I couldn't resist.)
Dislikes: Dragons (he is afraid of them, nothing personal)
Orientation: straight
He is the son of King Falcon XIII.5 so he is the prince of the Skylands Kaledia! No, I'm just kidding. He is totally ordinary. Corvus is the second child of a wingman (father and yes, this is actually a job!) and a pre-school teacher (mother). His parents got divorced when he was six years old because they were estranged. So Corvus ended up with his father while his older sibling came to the mother. It was back then that Corvus evolved a desire for hassle. He often annoyed people just to see how they react and always needed to have the last word.
On a road trip with his father, Corvus did the same thing to a herd of wild-living Vector Dragons. What he couldn't know back then was that Vector Dragons are very hot-tempered for once but also very, very fast. Faster than anybody could imagine. So Corvus was quickly seriously injured and trapped in the middle of some giant, angry dragons. As he was about to get eaten, his father saved him but lost a leg as a result. Since that moment, Corvus is scared of every dragon in the world. He needs to have a certain distance to dragons or else he gets anxiety attacks.
Nowadays, he lives by his own as a professional Demon Hunter. Since the event with the Vector Dragons, he trained to become strong enough to beat even the biggest monsters. Whenever he wants, he can transform his arms in wings. This is the reason why he only uses his feet and legs while fighting since he needs his arms for flying. He has some really strong legs which can even crush stones into pieces. One day, He wants to smash a diamond with them.
Corvus is also a huge perv. But unlike Luoco, he hides it a lot better. There is nothing he loves more than some nice girly butt cheeks. Unfortunately, he is too straight-forward when he talks to girls so he usually gets a slap in the face or a knee in the balls. He is also not very fond to undress himself in public. He does it sometimes but this is the exception of the rule.
He found Luoco one day when he was on a mission in a silent forest. They became friends faster than they wanted it to happen but that's a story for another day...
Maybe, if I feel like it and you want to see it, I'll let hin reveal his ass for you.
character sheet
10 years, 7 months ago
22 Aug 2014 10:28 CEST
Initial: acb60780c6401e374dafe856f221aafb
Full Size: b08ebbb432130d6dcb96cf300585ffa5
Large: 945ae1d1774a24082e4b819ca115d2c7
Small: 5e3695f4b8f62ea474bc3824fba45d3f
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