I have thought about it for a long time, and I decide to retool some of my main characters. Having started two story sagas apart from them, I figured it was best to explore them and tinker with them more. I start with my fursona.
Ray was raised in the ancient Kingdom of Balanjuyub, in what is today the fictional country of Amaqui. He was raised believing he was a werejaguar prince-god, never knowing that actually his mom had taken a human Arawak kid from one of her subject states and raised him as her own werejaguar. He was raised doing what he wants, and when everything was taken away from him by the Spaniards and even after he found out he wasn't so divine after all, he still tricks people into getting his way, ever the hedonist he is. He is also known for dating emotionally distraught, easily manipulated women, and has turned a blind eye many times to age of consent laws.
I'll have more of his history later, but for now, you should know that he eventually moved to Europe and the US and became a part of the anti-redhood initiative, due to his gift of learning foreign languages.