Thought i would post something today. finished lots of work today and thought it would be nice to post something from 1 of the 3 pieces i worked on today. This is a fun PG pic I'm working on of Irene and Tanya at the beach. Thought it would be real fun to do something cute and fun wince summer is coming to an end and school will be staring for everyone soon.
Don't forget to favorite, comment and watch. I'm always open to donations, or if your looking to give more support, become a Patron. its your support that keeps me doing what i do. peace and love everyone :)
thanks a bunch hun. trying to get back in touch with my old skills on facial expressions. use to be real good at it with my old cartoony style. kinda lost it but slowly ive been getting it back :)
thanks a bunch hun. trying to get back in touch with my old skills on facial expressions. use to be
Hmm. Not at all what I was thinking, considering that the boy looks O-faced and the position of the girl on the left's hand suggests fluids connecting a few fingers... Of course, the boy could just be wailing.
Hmm. Not at all what I was thinking, considering that the boy looks O-faced and the position of the