your talent burns brightly with this image... that coloring is always divine, as well as your grasp of scenery, expression, and just... agh<3 you know how to tie everything together so beautifully
your talent burns brightly with this image... that coloring is always divine, as well as your grasp
A realy great job, you did! *master-Yoda-styl*^^ I like it when the artist pays attention to the litle details in the surroundings of the character, especially when its a "casual" or "every-day" scene as this one (the used gum under the table, the corect reflection of thumb and fingers holding the phone, etc) So I conclude my praise agreeing with all the others! You are great!! ...alas now koms my drop of bitterness, in comparision with the right arm (holding the phone) the left one (holding the FoxBux) seems to be considerably shorter, wich can be an opt. ilusion due to posing but it kind of breaks the symetry of the body... hope you see what i mean,no offence intended!
A realy great job, you did! *master-Yoda-styl*^^ I like it when the artist pays attention to the lit
Thanks :3 and the arms it's probably illusion, because both arms are in quite different positions, the left arm is closer to the chest and the other arm, might look short because it doesnt show wrist like the other do, and bad elbow placement *shrug* but I tried my best whole working on that one
Thanks :3 and the arms it's probably illusion, because both arms are in quite different positions, t