I don't even know what to say. This is really just the prettiest, most fantastic thing that I've ever gotten done. Zeta really went out of his way to make this completely perfect for me.
Be sure to give all of your comments and faves to him. He really deserves them way more than me. x3
do you ever have a thing where, once you find a person's fursona you enjoy, you start seeing them everywhere? I'm having that right now with yours XD I watch Zeta, and recognized ya right off the bat, hah!
Such a cutie ;w; and this image is very well done on his end!
do you ever have a thing where, once you find a person's fursona you enjoy, you start seeing them ev
's otter characters. The blonde hair is an instant sign that they're his. -w-; I guess I've managed to maintain a unique 'sona a midst the legions of wolves and foxes. Good to know. ^^
And thanks. Zeta worked really, really hard on it. so you should probably throw some of your love at him instead of me. He deserves most of the credit. ^w^;
x3 It's happened a few times before with AJDurai ( https://inkbunny.net/AJDurai ) 's otter characte