D: Hold him still or this won't set right! R: I don't need no stinkin' "special bandage", Donnie..! D: Shut up, Raph. M: You twisted your ankle on that ladder. We all heard the pops. And you limped hard all the way home. R: I don't need no stinkin' bandage on that ankle! M: Shut up, Raph. L: Raph, it's for your own good. The ointments Donnie rubbed into the bandage will keep the pain and swelling down, and the tight wrap will keep you from twisting things even further out of shape. R: Leo, so help me, I don't need... D, M, L: SHUT UP, RAPH!
D: Hold him still or this won't set right! R: I don't need no stinkin' "special bandage", Donnie..!