First I would like to thank everyone for your support on this. thanks to everyone feedback in the voting, as you can see the Tanya comic was the winner. I'm currently writing the script right now for the comic and its turning out to be a fun and long one.
This brings me to my next point. I'm going to need your help on this one guys. This will be kind of a personal work here taking time away from my commissions and other paid projects. With that said this comic will need a bit of a push. As always i am taking donations but, If you would like to give further support I have set up a Patreon account.
I know you guys don't like to see that word much, however after talking with a lot of the IB community i think i have a handle on how to give back to you guys and even more so, give you lots of original content that will be free to everyone Patreon or not. any and everything i make based off the account will still be posted here in the gallery.
If you are interested in helping out please don't be afraid to click the links bellow. I go into great detail about what I'm trying to achieve, my goals, what you would be helping me accomplish, and how I will be giving back to you.
I love you guys, and any feedback and are greatly appreciated. Thank you all so much for everything and stay tuned for more.
Don't forget to favorite, comment and watch. I'm always open to donations, or if your looking to give more support, become a Patron. its your support that keeps me doing what i do. peace and love everyone :)
thanks a bunch im trying real hard with this one. ill be posting the next page later this month weather i get the donations and support or not. I can at least do that. so far though, with the way ive been writing it, it will easily be over 20 pages and has a total of about 2 major sex scenes.
thanks a bunch im trying real hard with this one. ill be posting the next page later this month weat
it'll be about my character Tanya getting it on with her father who she has a crush on. Jenny is transgender (fem boy, crossdresser, etc.). so in the end it will be a incest comic focused on gay sex.
it'll be about my character Tanya getting it on with her father who she has a crush on. Jenny is tra
Yes. Problem is I've been working a lot on commissions and then the depression got to me. Rat race can be a bitch and get you off track. However if I play my cards right this month and get ahead financially, I'll finally be able to start it. Good news is due to my drama in not gonna let everyone else suffer and the firstly five pages will be posted without the one week gaps on page posts.
Yes. Problem is I've been working a lot on commissions and then the depression got to me. Rat race c