after 1 minecraft year the two have been getting along,they mine,they trade with villagers, tried to get lucky from the lucky blocks, and more
cupa: hey matthew im gonna go a friend of mine
matthew: ok have fun -looking for his pickaxe-
cupa: -leaves the castle then heads to the dark forest-
????: oh yeah you can eat it then
enderman: -growls-
cupa: -hears them- where?
????: oh geez -runs into cupa- oof
enderman: -sees cupa then teleports away-
cupa: ow
????: -looks at cupa- CUPA -picks her up- i found you buddy
cupa: hey andr good to see you again
andr: where were you any way
cupa: with a human
andr: A HUMAN
cupa: y-yea were friend at least i thinkmore on him
andr: him??!
cupa: yea
andr: show me
-minutes later-
matthew: that temple should be around here somewhere
-andr and cupa hides under a mushroom-
cupa: there -pointing at matthew-
andr: ok -crawls to him-
cupa: ??? -watching her-
andr: -does a ender screech- rrraaaaa
matthew: ?!?!?!?!?!
cupa: -jumps andr-
matthew: -looks around- im going nuts
cupa: -covering andrs mouth- what are you doing
andr: -moves her hand- helping you
cupa: from what?!
andr: him , hes bound to kill you or worst
cupa: hey hes my best friend i got
andr: im not you friend :(
cupa: you are just -gets off her- don't hurt him please im begging you don't
andr: -sigh- fine
cupa: don't worry your not the only enders won't hurt humans, remember the farlanders
andr: yeah i know
cupa: -hugs her- thank you X3
andr: yeah your welcome
-minutes later-
matthew: -heading home- that was a big nothing -heads in-
cupa: -walks in too-
andr: -sneaks in with cupa- your sure its i can stay-
cupa: yea
matthew: -eating steak and saw the two-
cupa/andr: -sees matthew-
matthew: your friend want to stay im guessing
cupa: yes~
matthew: alright -heads to his room-
andr: ok then do i get a room?
cupa: yea -heads to a cat filled room- this will be your roo -sees a cat- CAT -runs to matthews room the hugs him to hides-
andr: aaawww i love cat -gets in-